If you are, you’re not alone. Approximately half of Australian adults (aged 18+) brushed their teeth just once a day or not at all, despite the best efforts to promote oral health education by dental organisations. Now, a new UK study, with similar results, has identified one reason why so many adults skip brushing their teeth – we’re just too busy! In a world where time pressures are getting the upper hand in our daily lives, maintaining a consistent, proper oral care and hygiene routine is one of the first things we sacrifice for work. Even though your oral and general health are among your greatest assets when it comes to handling the work stresses and pressures, they are usually an afterthought on our list of priorities.

Excuses, excuses, excuses!

The UK study revealed the top excuses for missing out on cleaning one’s teeth. Besides simply forgetting to do so, the top excuses for those that skipped either a morning or evening brush, were:
  • Being late for work
  • Getting home too late from work
  • Partner or family distractions
  • Watching TV
  • Using smart phones when waking up or before bed
  • Out of toothpaste

No excuses for poor oral hygiene

Dr. Nigel Carter OBE, of the UK Oral Health Foundation, says that there were no excuses for foregoing one’s oral health, because oral health plays an important role in one’s overall health and wellbeing. Dr. Carter advises that the first step to improve one’s oral health is to start off with a dental check up so that you know where your oral health stands, regardless of how healthy you think your teeth and gums are. He also said that regular checkups are essential to ensure that your oral health gets the all-clear. Additionally, Dr. Carter recommends that everybody adopts a good oral health routine, uses an electric toothbrush, and follows a healthy diet. Annerley-dentist-Complete-dental-works-regularly-Brushing-Teeth